

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Official Beekeepers!

One day Tyler came home from school and told me that he thought it would be cool to keep bees... My initial reaction was, sure lets keep some bees! Thinking that we probably wouldn't go through with it this year, but maybe in a few years down the road. Well, we're doing it this year folks! Tyler has a buddy who got us all set up and now we have a nice hive of about 10,000 bees in our backyard!

Tyler and my mom went to pick up the bees on Saturday (I refused to ride in the car with a box full of bees) while Hillary, Owen, Elle, and I waited for them to bring them back. They picked up the bees at the U and in the car there is all the other boxes of bees that Tyler's buddy brought with him.

Once Ty and my mom finally got home, Ty got all suited up!
He set the beehive box up in our backyard on the side of our house.

Here's Ty holding all of 'his girls' as he calls them :) 10,000 in there people!!! So crazy! Within all those bees is another little box that contains the queen bee. Before we even dump all the other bees in the hive we have to make sure our queen bee is alive and place her in the hive first. She then has to eat her way out of the box and the bees eat their way in so that they can get used to that queen.

While Tyler was putting all the bees in the hive, he felt one little honey bee climbing up under his shirt! He eventually got stung in the ARMPIT, ouch! The look of surprise on his face was priceless :) but now he has a nice big swell going up his arm and he itches like crazy. Poor guy. I kept my distance while Tyler was doing all of this work. My mom and I were filming everything, Elle and Hillary were attempting to keep the bees off of us and Owen was scared and ran into the house. We were quite the crew.
Now the bees are in and we just have to let them be so they can build their hive, which is harder than you think. We are constantly worrying about them and hoping that they are surviving and getting enough sugar and that the queen hasn't died... oh man there are so many things that can go wrong but I guess we won't find out until the end of this week! I'm sure we will have more updates to come!


  1. this IS SO AWESOME!
    My sister in law keeps bees also. I thought there was a regulation that you had to keep them so far away from houses? At least that's the case in Provo...

    1. We just had to put them there since we are in the middle of landscaping! Once we are done we can move them up to two feet per day or per week (can't remember) to the spot where we want them. We can only move them that much so the bees don't get lost from their hive!
