

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Racquet-Dodge Ball!

Ever have those times with your hubby where you go and do something totally random and it is just hilarious? Ty and I had one of those moments last night. We just got new gym passes and so have been wanting to go together and do some awesome workouts. Well do you think we did an awesome workout the first time we go to the gym in months? Heavens no!

We decided to get some racquetball game on! My family had the racquets so we went to my house to get them. I assumed that Tyler knew how to play the game since he was the one who suggested playing it in the first place. And I guess Tyler assumed that I knew how to play since I owned some racquets. Boy, were we wrong! We show up, get our racquets out, turn to the other, and say, "Ok! How do we play?!" Yup... neither of us knew what in the heck we were doing!

This ended up working out for us though and we did happen to get a good workout in. We made up our own game of racquet-dodgeball! We had two balls going at once and, just like dodgeball, tried to hit each other with them. I have not laughed so hard in a long time and, of course, was the one getting hit the most and running for my life in that tiny court while Tyler is smacking the balls at me. Such good marital bonding time :) Good way to relieve anger at each other don't ya think?! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Maddie, I had no idea you had a blog! I'm so glad because now I can keep up with how you're doing. I am so thrilled that you're happy and doing well. You totally deserve it!! Bigs Hugs!!
