

Friday, February 24, 2012

Modern Family

So this is what our night consisted of. Pigging out, in bed, watching episode after episode of Modern Family Season 2 (which we are watching a second time after finishing it just a couple weeks ago). 

Tyler and I LOVE this show so much. We think that we love it so much because we can relate to it so well. We particularly like to relate ourselves to Phil and Claire and the marriage that they have. 

Phil and Claire have an ongoing battle of who gets to be the fun parent. Phil, of course, is always the fun parent and Claire has to be the one who enforces the rules and everything else. Now Tyler's goal in life is to be like Phil, which he doesn't even need to work on, he already is like him! We don't even have kids yet and I know that Ty is going to be the fun parent and I'm going to be the one the kids are all scared of :) 

Claire puts it perfectly when she says, "You know that kid who wears pajama bottoms to school and pays for everything in hundred dollar bills? That kid has TWO fun parents!" So, I am resigned to my fate that we both can't be the fun parents and I will just have to assume that role before Tyler can :) Bring it honey!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Modern family is the best! I hope my kids think I'm funny....

    ps- I've tagged you in a post!
